When you decide to study abroad, you research courses, institutions, destinations, even cities you may wish to live in while studying abroad. While this may be exciting and fun at first, with each passing day, more information gets accumulated and you get more and more confused, with some students even getting overwhelmed. Visiting education agents is a good path for you but many education agents are unaware of many student issues and they fail to keep you up to date regarding latest information. You need concise, aggregated information that incorporates your onshore day to day aspect of living along with college information and course details. You as a student may have dreams to building you career but the minutiae of daily activities may be a blur at first. We help you in navigating your journey and assist you in making the best decisions when it comes to your studies as well as your destinations to study in.


We assist you to get admitted to your chosen education provider. If choosing an education provider is turning to be a little too daunting, our counsellors are here to help you with it. We have set a track record of helping all our students in achieving their goals. You set your aim and we will help you achieve them.


Our Counsellors are accredited by QEAC, IATC, ISANA and are registered with various education agent organizations across the world to provide the best service to our clients.